Please note: this meeting's minutes have not been finalized yet. Actions taken on legislation and their results are not available.
Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 7/23/2024 6:00 PM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location: Council Chambers
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda  
Agenda packet: Not available
Meeting video:  
Attachments: Agenda Packet as of July 19, 2024
File #Ver.Agenda #TitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
24-0864 1SS1.Clarification of Items on the Consent Calendar   Not available Video Video
24-0865 1SS2.Recognition of Outgoing Board and Commission Members   Not available Video Video
24-0866 1SS3.Bike Master Plan Update   Not available Video Video
24-0918 1A.CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION (Government Code § 54956.9(d)(1)): 7 matters   Not available Not available
24-0937 1Consider passage of an ordinance requiring, in general, that brick-and-mortar businesses accept payment in cash [O’Neill]   Not available Not available
24-0867 11.Minutes for the July 9, 2024 City Council Meeting   Not available Not available
24-0868 12.Reading of Ordinances   Not available Not available
24-0930 13.Ordinance No. 2024-15: Amending Sections 17.60.010 (Public Trust Lands - General), 17.60.020 (Application for Pier/Mooring Permits or the Lease of Public Trust Lands), 17.60.040 (Mooring Permits), and 17.60.045 (Short-Term Mooring Licenses) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code Related to Mooring Permits and Licenses   Not available Not available
24-0919 14.Resolution No. 2024-48: Two-Year Extension of Pilot Program to Permit Homeowner’s Associations to Install Privately Operated Security Cameras within the Public Rights-of-Way   Not available Not available
24-0927 15.Resolution No. 2024-49: Approving Amendments to the Records Retention Schedule   Not available Not available
24-0923 16.Storm Drain System Upgrades - Award of Contract No. 9148-1 (23D02)   Not available Not available
24-0882 17.Award of Maintenance and Repair Agreement with Meyers Construction Co. LLC for On-Call Facilities Maintenance Support Services   Not available Not available
24-0921 18.Superior Avenue and Hospital Road Pavement Rehabilitation - Award of Contract No. 8894-2 (23R14)   Not available Not available
24-0920 19.Superior Avenue Pedestrian/Bicycle Bridge and Parking Lot Project (15T09) - Approval of Additional Construction Contingency with Reyes Construction (Contract No. 8020-6), and Approval of Amendment No. Two to Professional Services Agreement with Ardurra (Contract No. 8020-8) and Amendment No. Five to Professional Services Agreement with Dokken Engineering (Contract No. 8020-5)   Not available Not available
24-0924 110.Award of Maintenance and Repair Services Agreement with Harbor Point Air Conditioning & Control Systems for On-Call HVAC Maintenance and Repair Services Citywide   Not available Not available
24-0922 111.Approval of Amendment No. Five to Professional Services Agreement with Burns & McDonnell Engineering Company, Inc. for San Diego Creek Trash Wheel Project (Project No. 17X12, Contract No. 7127-3)   Not available Not available
24-0883 112.Approval of Professional Services Agreement with Marine Taxonomic Services, LTD for Newport Harbor Shallow and Deep Water Eelgrass Surveys   Not available Not available
24-0892 113.Amendment to Professional Services Agreement with Sampson Oil Company for Oil Well Management Services   Not available Not available
24-0894 114.Amendment No. Four to a Professional Services Agreement with Sagecrest Planning and Environmental for Staff Augmentation   Not available Not available
24-0931 115.Exclusive Negotiating Agreement with Burnham-Ward Properties, LLC for the Lease and Redevelopment of a Portion of the Balboa Yacht Basin Property Located at 829 Harbor Island Drive   Not available Not available
24-0854 116.Amendment to Lease Agreement with Pacifica Christian High School - Orange County, Inc. for the City-Owned West Newport Community Center Property Located at 883 W. 15th Street   Not available Not available
24-0932 117.Award of Contracts to Eide Bailly LLP and The Pun Group LLP for Internal Audit Services (continued from the July 9, 2024 City Council meeting)   Not available Not available
24-0855 118.Budget Amendment to Accept a Check from the Newport Beach Public Library Foundation and Appropriate the Funds to the Library’s Fiscal Year 2024-25 Maintenance and Operation Budget   Not available Not available
24-0901 119.Confirmation of Nominations to Fill an Unscheduled Vacancy on the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission   Not available Not available
24-0893 120.FY 2023-24 Annual District Discretionary Grant Report and the Grants and Donations Report for the Quarter Ending June 30, 2024   Not available Not available
24-0891 121.Response to the Orange County Grand Jury Report “Law Enforcement’s Response to Mental Health Calls for Service”   Not available Not available
24-0915 122.Visit Newport Beach, Inc. FY 2025 Destination Business Plan and Budget, and FY 2024 Performance Standards Report   Not available Not available
24-0869 123.Ordinance Nos. 2024-16 and 2024-17, and Resolution Nos. 2024-50 to 2024-57 for the Necessary Amendments to Implement the 6th Cycle Housing Element and to Place the Major General Plan Amendment on the November 5, 2024 General Election Ballot Pursuant to City Charter Section 423; or Resolution No. 2024-58 to Initiate an Amendment to the 6th Cycle Housing Element   Not available Video Video
24-0869 123.Ordinance Nos. 2024-16 and 2024-17, and Resolution Nos. 2024-50 to 2024-57 for the Necessary Amendments to Implement the 6th Cycle Housing Element and to Place the Major General Plan Amendment on the November 5, 2024 General Election Ballot Pursuant to City Charter Section 423; or Resolution No. 2024-58 to Initiate an Amendment to the 6th Cycle Housing Element   Not available Video Video
24-0869 123.Ordinance Nos. 2024-16 and 2024-17, and Resolution Nos. 2024-50 to 2024-57 for the Necessary Amendments to Implement the 6th Cycle Housing Element and to Place the Major General Plan Amendment on the November 5, 2024 General Election Ballot Pursuant to City Charter Section 423; or Resolution No. 2024-58 to Initiate an Amendment to the 6th Cycle Housing Element   Not available Video Video
24-0869 123.Ordinance Nos. 2024-16 and 2024-17, and Resolution Nos. 2024-50 to 2024-57 for the Necessary Amendments to Implement the 6th Cycle Housing Element and to Place the Major General Plan Amendment on the November 5, 2024 General Election Ballot Pursuant to City Charter Section 423; or Resolution No. 2024-58 to Initiate an Amendment to the 6th Cycle Housing Element   Not available Video Video
24-0869 123.Ordinance Nos. 2024-16 and 2024-17, and Resolution Nos. 2024-50 to 2024-57 for the Necessary Amendments to Implement the 6th Cycle Housing Element and to Place the Major General Plan Amendment on the November 5, 2024 General Election Ballot Pursuant to City Charter Section 423; or Resolution No. 2024-58 to Initiate an Amendment to the 6th Cycle Housing Element   Not available Video Video